
Front Page

Column One

Opening the Government

Tools for FOI Work


Endorsing Open Government

The Forum, Fargo N.D.  May 30, 2004

Forum editorial: Williams and Coates for the city

For Michael Williams, the third time should be the charm.

For Linda Coates, the first time should be the charm.

Williams and Coates are our choices for the Fargo City Commission in the June 8 municipal election. Their approaches to city government surely are different, but both are needed to return the commission to accountability and openness.

Among the seven candidates for the commission, Williams has the strongest sense of open government. He has been – for want of a more flattering term – a gadfly for several years, during which time he put a sometimes secretive commission on notice that he would challenge the city when business was done in the dark. We applaud that effort, and indeed have joined it on several occasions.

But beyond a healthy and proper commitment to open government, Williams has demonstrated an impressive knowledge of the city's tax structure, zoning and annexation issues, liquor license policy and the downtown renaissance. He is a meticulous student of municipal finance and taxes. Moreover, he has ideas about how to rebalance the tax burden in order to shift the load off property taxes.

And equally important, he understands that the city's liquor license structure needs to be changed from a system controlled by a few license-holders to a system more responsive to the growth and entertainment needs of the city.

Coates is co-owner of a successful small business. She also has been active for years in arts and civic organizations. The network she's built in the community affords her unique insights into a growing, changing community's needs and priorities.

She is clear about the need to confront "powerful liquor license owners" in order to change the way the city awards licenses.

Among her many strengths as a candidate, Coates demonstrates an unabashed affection for the city. She recognizes its potential as a diverse, lively urban center that can be attractive for youth and young families. She says the combination of "jobs and lifestyle" is central to Fargo's success.

Five others are in the running June 8:

E Dawn Morgan brings an impressive resume to her candidacy. She would make a good commissioner, and should run again if she does not succeed this time. She has an excellent understanding of the city – from downtown to the new areas in the southwest. Her design skills, preservation sentiments and business experience qualify her to serve.